Reverse biased porous silicon light-emitting diodes for optical intra-chip interconnects

S. K. Lazarouk, , P. V. Jaguiro, A. A. Leshok and V. E. Borisenko

Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, P. Browka 6, Minsk 220013, Byelorussia

We have reported recent progress in development of the integrated optoelectronic unit on a Si chip. The developed optoelectronic unit includes a porous Si light-emitting diode (LED) connected with a photodetector by an alumina waveguide. Main attention has been devoted to the enhancement of LED parameters. Quantum efficiency as high as 0.4% has been reached. The delay time of 1.2 ns and the rise time of 1.5 ns have been measured for the diodes. Further improvements are also discussed.

Author Keywords: Light-emitting diode; Photodetector; Porous silicon; Alumina waveguide

PACS classification codes: 78.55.Mb; 78.60.Fi; 78.66.-w

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